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Clatsop County Chapter

Welcome to the Clatsop County Chapter of OHA!

Thank you for visiting our website.

Please consider attending our annual Membership “Fund-Raising” Banquet – Saturday, April 5, 2025. Online registration is located below.

  • Check out our About Us page for monthly meeting information and our chapter officers.
  • Our News and Gallery are starting new in 2025 with anticipation of submissions from our members.
  • Posted in Documents you will find our banquet registration packet and chapter newsletters.
  • Please check out Helpful Links for additional interesting sites.

We hope you will find our site useful and return often. Good hunting!

Clatsop County Chapter of the Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) will be conducting their annual Membership “Fund-Raising” Banquet – Saturday, April 5, 2025. Buy your tickets now, mark your Calendar for April 5th, and come out at 4:00pm to the Clatsop County Fairgrounds for a fun night of socializing, great food, and win awesome prizes (firearms included) by partaking in games, raffles, and auctions. Youth accompanied by Adult OHA members, are encouraged to participate too!

Oregon Hunters Association is a nonprofit, hunting conservation organization founded in 1983 whose mission is “Protecting Oregon’s Wildlife, Habitat, and Hunting Heritage”. In our 40+ years of existence, we’ve helped acquire and maintain wildland access throughout Oregon, completed numerous wildlife conservation projects, advocated for citizen’s right(s) to bear arms, and continue to provide youth (the next generation of Oregon Hunters) with opportunities to learn about safety, hunting, and wildlife conservation through our own youth programs and partaking in partnerships with other organizations such as Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Hunter Education and 4-H firearms/archery programs.

Will you consider joining us in passing on our proud hunting heritage by attending and/or supporting this year’s banquet fundraiser? If so, please complete and return the attached form(s) with payment or pay online by March 29, 2025. There are limited seats/meal tickets available (400 approx) and they are being sold on 1st come/1st serve basis. No meal tickets will be sold at the door.

Have questions or can’t attend but would like to support OHA, the mission, and/or this banquet? Give us a call at (503) 738-6962 or email us at:

Remember, with OHA: “All Proceeds Raised in Oregon – Stay in Oregon.”

Donations are greatly appreciated! Physical item(s) “New” to re-sell and/or monetary contributions to help facilitate banquet prize purchases (youth firearms for example) are tax deductible. All donors are provided with written receipts and Clatsop County Chapter of OHA is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

Thank you for your Support! – We hope to see you at the Banquet.

Our membership is comprised predominately of Clatsop County residents yet also includes members from other Oregon Counties and even a few Out-of-State residents. In addition to monthly meetings, we hold annual events such as our youth/family fun day and an annual membership banquet/fundraiser. Our mission is protecting Oregon’s wildlife, habitat and hunting heritage in the northwesternmost county of Oregon through advocacy, education, projects, and mentoring.

3rd Thursday
5:30 pm no-host dinner and social
6:30 pm meeting
Hong Kong Restaurant, 2813 Marine Drive, Astoria OR 97103

Interim President: Troy Laws – 503.738.6962
Vice President: Trygve Klepp – 503.440.5967
Secretary: Debbie Laws – 503.440.9934
Treasurer: David Richards – 503.440.9934

Our News and Gallery are starting new in 2025 with anticipation of submissions from our members.

Join or Renew

OHA is one of the largest conservation groups in the state of Oregon but we are always looking for new members who are passionate about our hunting heritage. We need your support and value your input. Please join OHA and it will help us to carry out our mission. OHA is made up of over 20 chapters throughout the state. Two ways to join:

1) Click the application link that follows to download an application form, fill it out, and mail it to the OHA state office.


2) Link over to the OHA State website and select from one of the online purchase options.

Online Application

You can specify a chapter that you would like to join or the OHA state office will assign you to the one that is closest to your mailing address.

Interim President: Troy Laws – 503.738.6962 or