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Women of OHA plant shrubs, hunt chukars


By Tyler Dungannon, Conservation Coordinator

A total of 32 women from 13 different OHA chapters came together in late October to improve winter range habitat for wildlife, participate in a shooting skills clinic and hunt chukars in the Metolius Unit. The Women of OHA planted 1,100 bitterbrush plants adjacent to the Crooked River National Grassland, spent well over 3 hours with ODFW instructors who provided ammunition and clay targets, and chased chukars to wrap up the weekend.

Registration for this event reached its cap in less than a week, and it’s clear that demand for these events is high. The Women of OHA was established to take on some of this demand and this program is quickly achieving its goals. Participants left this event with immense sense of accomplishment as a result of their hard conservation work, new friendships, mentors, connections, and a number of chukars for dinner. This was a weekend well spent on all fronts thanks to the Women of OHA, OHA staff, ODFW staff, USFS staff, State OHA Board Members, OHA chapter leaders and our sponsors. State OHA thanks the Bend, Umpqua, Tualatin Valley, and Mid-Willamette OHA chapters, Leupold & Stevens Foundation, Legacy Sports International, onX, Brooks Chukars, and the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund for their support in making this event successful.

OHA looks forward to announcing the second annual Women of OHA Weekend Away in the fall of 2025. Plans are already in the works to mirror what was done this year by tying a fulfilling conservation project in with a shooting skills clinic and upland bird hunt.

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