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OHA protects SW Cascade meadows, watershed

Join us for next project phase on June 15-16

By Tyler Dungannon, Conservation Coordinator

OHA and its 30 volunteers installed the final mile section of wildlife-friendly fence and completed protection of Whiskey Springs and Fourbit Creek meadows in April. These fences that OHA installed will both increase habitat quality for wildlife and help purify spring water for the Big Butte Springs Municipal Watershed. Of broad importance, these high groundwater infiltration areas ultimately provide drinking water to 140,000 people.

On June 15 and 16, OHA will move on to wildlife-friendly fence Willow Prairie about 10 miles from Whiskey Springs.

Willow Prairie is another high-risk Cascade meadow that has seen its share of damage caused by intensive livestock grazing, illegal off highway vehicle use and other sources. Make plans to join us for this great project. Meals will be provided for volunteers, camping will be free at Whiskey Springs Campground, and you could win great prizes, including a deer shoulder mount donated by North American Taxidermy, and a Howa 1500 6.5 Creedmoor from Legacy Sports International.

Contact Tyler Dungannon ( for more information. 

Grant funds for this project were awarded to OHA by the Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund, and OHA’s Josephine County Chapter provided additional funds for this project.

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