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OHA helps build beaver dam analogs to improve Ochoco habitat

By Tyler Dungannon & Eric Brown

OHA, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, other groups, and agency partners built 68 beaver dam analogs at various locations along Grays Prairie in the Ochoco Mountains in June.

Man-made beaver dam analogs decrease stream temperatures and elevate water levels, which can improve forage conditions for deer, elk and other wildlife. A beaver dam analog emulates the function of a natural beaver dam and can facilitate successful beaver translocations by immediately providing habitat that reduces the risk of predation.

RMEF was the lead brand for the fourth All Hands All Brands for Public Lands event, and as in previous years, OHA volunteers from Bend, Capitol, and Emerald Valley chapters showed up in droves to work for wildlife.

OHA volunteers also worked to maintain 11 guzzlers on the Ochoco National Forest. In total, the project had 68 volunteers who tallied more than 1,000 volunteer hours.

OHA thanks USFS, ODFW, and our conservation partners, RMEF, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, National Wild Turkey Federation, and Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership for their continued support of the annual All Hands All Brands event.

The 2024 All Hands All Brands Project will most likely be June 21-23.

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