Tactacam Trail Cam Contest
One winner will be chosen and published in each issue of Oregon Hunter. Photos received after the entry deadline will be judged for the next issue.
- Entrants must be OHA members.
- Entrants may enter no more than 2 photos per month.
- Entrants may win no more than one prize within one year.
- Photos entered in any previous contest may not be reentered.
- Entries will be judged by the photo submitted and not by its reproduction in Oregon Hunter.
- Entrants grant OHA and Tactacam rights to use photos for editorial or promotional purposes.
- Employees of Tactacam and OHA are ineligible.
- Prizes of equal or greater value may be substituted.
- Photos must be high-resolution and taken with the entrant’s trail camera or a weapon-mounted camera or recording device, and must show the date stamp.
- Entered photos must have been taken in the last 12 months.
By entering, entrants agree to the rules of the contest