Welcome to the Pioneer Chapter of OHA!


Dates to Remember:

October 2nd Monthly Meeting
Canby Rod and Gun Club at 7:00pm

–  November 6th, Monthly Meeting
Canby Rod and Gun Club at 7:00pm

About the OHA Pioneer Chapter

OHA Mission: Protecting Oregon’s Wildlife, Habitat and Hunting Heritage

OHA Pioneer Chapter carries out the OHA mission through the following projects:

  • Duck Box Maintenance  –  Several times a year we make trips to various High Cascade lakes to check these boxes for use, re-supply nesting material as needed and repair or replace duck boxes that are damaged or deteriorated. If usage warrants we also install new boxes to accommodate rising duck populations. This is family oriented and children frequently join their parents on these trips. Duck Box usage is reported to ODFW.
  • Water Guzzlers – During the dry months (Summer and early Fall), we make sure that water guzzlers provide water for Central Oregon wildlife. Beginning with our Annual Family Campout, we send work parties to prepare the water guzzlers for the upcoming dry season.  Monthly inspection trips, hauling water to the guzzlers that are low and survey for wildlife usage follow the campout. We repair any damage, fill with water and check the bird nesting boxes located on posts around the perimeters. Bird box usage is also reported to ODFW
  • Habitat Restoration Projects: Some of our members participate in habitat restoration projects at Murders Creek and Harts Mountain each year.
  • Hunter Education – We support the next generation of hunters through our Annual Youth Day at Canby Rod and Gun Club and Hunter Education courses throughout the year.
  • Scholarships – The chapter also sponsors two scholarships. Click here for Application Information. Applications are due June 30th , 2025

Pioneer Chapter Sponsors: (Click on the logo to visit the sponsors web site)


Contacts Directory

Pioneer Chapter Officers:

Pioneer Events

Wednesday, October 2nd
Wednesday, November 6th
Meets at Canby Rod & Gun Club @ 7pm
Dinner venue open @ 6pm

September 15th
Contact: Scott Jones (503) 874-9851

Meet at Country Café on Main Street in Estacada @7am
Contact: Mitch Coultas – (503) 313-4439

Tuesday, August 20th
Location TBA @ 6:30 pm

March 1st 2025
Registration Form


Gun Raffle:
Current 2024 and 2025 Fall – Winter Raffle – Download raffle ticket mail-order form in above link, fill out and send with check or credit card information to the address shown. Drawing will be held on February 16th at the Portland Sportsman Show . Need not be present to win.

28th Annual Banquet:
Join us on March 1, 2025 at the Mt Angel Community Festival Hall in Mt Angel for our 28th annual banquet fund-raiser. Get in on the early registration and beat the crowed: Early Bird Deadline December 1st, 2024 (Banquet registration form: 2025-PDF)

Monthly Attendance

  • Prize: $50.00
  • Must be present to win.
  • Drawing at the monthly meeting, one ticket given to members that signed the attendance book/log the previous month. Name drawn until winner is in attendance

Wildlife Projects

  • Prize: $200
  • Need not be present to win
  • Drawing held at the December Monthly meeting
  • Prize give for each individual project type
    • Duck Box trip
      • 1 ticket per trip
    • Guzzler trip
      • 1 ticket per trip

Community Outreach 

  • Prize: $200
  • Need not be present to win
  • Drawing held at the monthly meeting following the event
      • Youth Days
        • 1 ticket per shift
      • Portland Gun Show
        • 1 ticket per shift
      • Molalla Buckaroo
        • 1 ticket per shift
      • Clackamas County Fair
        • 1 ticket per shift
      • Sight-In days Canby Gun Club
        • 1 ticket per shift


  • Prize: $200
  • Need not be present to win
  • Drawing held at the monthly meeting following the event
    • 1 Ticket Give for the following
      • Banquet setup
      • Banquet tear down
      • Working the Banquet
      • Attending 6 out of 10 banquet committee meetings
      • Banquet work parties (defined by board)

In support of Wildlife and Community Outreach events, the Pioneer Chapter reimburse members for the following. Please submit all receipts to the Treasurer at the monthly meeting following the event/project.


Outreach Events:

  • All Entry and Parking fees

Wildlife Projects:

  • Wood Duck Boxes Trips:
    • Breakfast for all volunteer participating on the maintenance
    • Gas for all vehicles used to transport volunteer and materials during the duck box maintenance.
      • (Example: Trip leaving from Estacada, fill the vehicle in Estacada before leaving and filled upon return, gas used during the maintenance will be reimbursed)
  • Guzzler Trips:
    • Breakfast for all volunteer participating in the maintenance.
    • Gas for all vehicles transporting volunteer and materials participating in the guzzler maintenance.
      • (Example: Fill the vehicle when leaving home and again upon returning home, gas used during the trip will be reimbursed)

Family Campout:

  • Gas used by vehicles hauling water during the Campout
    • (Vehicles used to haul water will fill up in Bend or Prineville before arriving at camp and will fill up again in Bend or Prineville before returning home, gas used to haul the water will be reimbursed
  • The Director of Guzzler Maintenance will be reimbursed for gas going to and returning from the Campout.

The Pioneer Chapter Board approved the above reimbursement and will review and approve annually.

Photo Galleries

Pioneer Chapters – Youth Day

Duck Boxes

Guzzler Trips and Family Camp Out


OHA is one of the largest conservation groups in the state of Oregon but we are always looking for new members who are passionate about our hunting heritage. We need your support and value your input. Please join OHA and it will help us to carry out our mission. OHA is made up of over 20 chapters throughout the state. Two ways to join:

1) Click the application link that follows to download an application form, fill it out, and mail it to the OHA state office.


2) Link over to the OHA State website and select from one of the online purchase options.

Online Application

You can specify a chapter that you would like to join or the OHA state office will assign you to the one that is closest to your mailing address.

Take the course, show us you are using non-lead ammo, and enter to win great hunting gear!


Oregon’s Non-Led Hunting Education Program:
Non-Lead Hunting Education Program | Oregon Zoo

North American Non-lead Partnership: