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Nosler Photo Contest


Prizes will be awarded in general and youth categories.

Nosler Photo Contest Prizes:

  • 1st Place: Nosler Model 21 Rifle
  • 2nd Place: Case (10 boxes) of Nosler Trophy Grade Ammo
  • 3rd Place: Leupold scope
  • 4th Place: Danner hunting boots
  • 5th Place: Benchmade Knife

Each finalist will receive an OHA-engraved Coast Knife! Finalists and honorable mentions will receive Nosler caps!

Two finalists in each category will be chosen and published in each issue of Oregon Hunter, beginning with the March-April issue and ending with the November-December issue. From the 10 finalists in each category, five finalist prize winners will be chosen. These will be announced in the January-February issue of Oregon Hunter. Photos received after the entry deadline will be judged for the next issue.


  1. Entries must be hunting photos.
  2. If photos feature game, it must be legally taken.
  3. Entrants must be OHA members.
  4. Professional photographers are not eligible.
  5. NEW! Entrants may enter no more than one photo in each of the two categories per month.
  6. Entrants may enter no more than three photos in each of the two categories per year.
  7. Entrants may win no more than one finalist prize per category.
  8. Photos entered in any previous Nosler Photo Contest may not be reentered.
  9. Entries will be judged by the photo submitted and not by its reproduction in Oregon Hunter.
  10. This is a photographic competition and photos will be judged on the usual photographic criteria of imagination, lighting, com- position, exposure, focus and attractiveness.
  11. Entrants grant OHA and Nosler, Inc., rights to use photos for editorial or promotional purposes.
  12. Employees of Nosler, Inc., OHA state officers, state board members and employees are ineligible.
  13. Winners of a first-place prize in any of the last three years are ineligible to win the first-place prize in this year’s contest.
  14. Prizes of equal or greater value may be substituted.
  15. Photos must be high-resolution.
  16. If required for a youth’s hunt, orange must be visible.

Photo Contest

