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Initiative Petition 28 (formerly IP3 & IP 13) – News & Updates



December Update – IP28 nets 34,000 signatures, $10k from PETA

Initiative Petition 28 (IP28) is the latest iteration of the egregious initiative seeking to criminalize killing an animal in Oregon for any reason other than self defense. 

This petition, previously known as IP13 and IP3, would make it illegal to hunt, fish, trap mice or gophers, teach using animals, raise and slaughter animals for food, and breed animals. 

Since the initiative first came to Oregon in 2021 with the intent of making the 2022 ballot, it has not received attention or support from any major national animal-rights organizations. 

That changed when they received a $10,000 contribution from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). This development signals a major shift in support for such an outlandish idea and should concern everyone monitoring the initiative. 

As of this writing, the initiative has gathered more than 34,000 signatures since it was approved to begin collection for the 2026 ballot in July. This is the largest number of signatures raised in the history of the initiative and is predominantly due to their ability to use paid signature gatherers. The PETA donation ensures that they will be able to continue paying signature gatherers on their way to the 117,000 signature threshold to gain the ballot. 

OHA works with two opposition coalitions, one sportsmen’s-focused and one focused on farming and ranching organizations. Our work to educate Oregonians to the detrimental effects of IP28 will continue in earnest. 


July Update – IP3 fails to make 2024 ballot, resets as IP28 for 2026

Initiative Petition 3, IP3, has failed to submit the necessary signatures to qualify for the 2024 general election ballot. The initiative seeks to criminalizing the killing of all animals, including mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, and reptiles, for any reason other than self-defense which would outlaw all legal hunting, fishing, trapping, as well as raising animals for food. 

The proponents have refiled for the 2026 ballot and received a new initiative petition number: IP28. While their campaign funds can be transferred from the old initiative to the new one, the signatures gathered under IP3 cannot be counted for IP28. They will now have two years to gather approximately 120,000 signatures before the July 2026 deadline. 

OHA will continue to monitor the proponent’s efforts and keep our membership informed of any developments. 


February Update – PNWild Podcast

Fighting for Oregon with Amy Patrick

OHA Policy Director Amy Patrick talks with Jeff from PNWild about IP3 and what sportsmen and women can do to get involved.

Spotify link

Apple Podcasts link



October Update – IP3 proponents eye 2026 Ballot

IP3 proponents have gathered almost 31,000 signatures in their efforts to put the egregious, ridiculous, and downright offensive initiative petition that would ban legal hunting, fishing, and trapping on the 2024 ballot. In addition criminalizing hunting, fishing, and trapping, the initiative would also criminalize wildlife management efforts, education and research with animals, and even trapping vermin such as mice and gophers. It would also effectively end farming, ranching, and eating Oregon-grown animal products such as meat, dairy, and seafood.

However, even with the influx of funding received earlier this year and the initial efforts to gain the signature threshold (120,000) to make the ballot, it appears the proponents are now looking to the 2026 election. Initiative Petition 28 (IP28) has been filed with the Secretary of State for the 2026 ballot and is a new iteration of the language that began as IP13 in 2020 and returned as IP3 in 2022. With few substantial changes, IP28 rolls forward the IP3 efforts to 2026 and gives them three years to continue their plans to take this extreme agenda to Oregonians.

OHA continues to lead the opposition to this proposed measure so stay tuned for more information.


June Update – IP3 receives substantial funding

After being relatively dormant for the last 8 months, IP3 has begun ramping up their efforts to get on the 2024 ballot. They have received several $50,000 donations in the last few months and are now actively hiring paid signature gatherers.

This influx of funding and the ability to hire paid signature gatherers. are indicators that Oregonians can no longer view this effort as an outlier. They have until July 5, 2024 to gather the signatures needed (120,431) to gain the ballot – the threat is real.

OHA members are asked to help spread the word about this extreme initiative. OHA State can provide IP3 information cards for chapter use at events, shows, and other public engagement opportunities.



June Updates – IP3 receives certified ballot language

Initiative Petition 3 (IP3), formerly IP13, met another milestone in its attempt to make the 2024 ballot by receiving certified ballot language on June 13. OHA submitted comments requesting additional changes to the ballot language and was successful on several points to further clarify the damage this initiative would do to all Oregonians.

With the certification of the ballot language, the proponents of IP3 will be given permission to begin collecting signatures.  They will have until July 8, 2024, approximately two years, to gather the 112, 020 signatures needed to qualify for the November 2024 ballot. The approved ballot language can be found HERE.


May 26 Update – OHA, among others, file comments re: IP3 draft ballot language

As of today’s deadline to file comments on the draft ballot language for IP3, the following organizations have submitted, or plan to submit, comments: Oregon Hunters Association, RMEF, BHA (OR Chapter), Ducks Unlimited, NWTF, American Kennel Club, Safari Club International, Oregon Farm Bureau, Oregon Cattlemen’s Association, Oregon Dairy Farmers, among others. Another great example of these organizations banding together to stand against this initiative at every turn!


May 15 Update – IP3 Qualifies for Draft Ballot Language

The proponents of IP3 have successfully gathered the 1,000 sponsoring signatures to qualify for draft ballot title/language. The language was released on May 12 and can be read HERE.  It is largely the same language we saw for IP13 with a few minor edits due to the additional language specifying artificial insemination as sexual assault. Comments related to the language may be submitted by May 26 for consideration. OHA and our partners in both the sportsmen’s community and the farming/ranching communities will be submitting comments and working on strategic next steps.


March Update – IP13 becomes IP3 for 2024

Initiative Petition 13 (IP13) was an initiative intended for the November 2022 General Election that would criminalize hunting, fishing, trapping, and raising livestock in Oregon. The proponents of IP13 have pivoted their efforts to the 2024 ballot and refiled their initiative as Initiative Petition 3.

Is IP3 the same as IP13?  Yes.  And no.  It is the same as IP13 in its attempt to criminalize hunting, fishing, trapping, and raising/slaughtering livestock. However, IP3 actually goes further; adding new language that clearly defines artificial insemination and breeding practices as sexual assault and also drastically changing several other sections of the animal abuse statutes. You can read the IP language here (note, all italicized text is to be removed and all bold text is to be added): IP3 language

Can they use the same signatures? No. IP3 has to go through the entire process of getting on the ballot. First, they must collect an initial 1,000 signatures to qualify for a draft ballot title and summary.  At that time, the draft title and summary are subject to public comment.  At the end of the public comment period, the approved ballot title and summary are subject to an opportunity to appeal.  At the end of both of these processes, the ballot title and summary may be accepted and the proponents would then be granted approval to begin gathering signatures.  All signatures must be new and specific to this IP.  The same signature threshold will apply: 112,020 signatures by July 8, 2024.

Does this change our fight against IP13/IP3? No. OHA, along with our sportsmen’s groups partners and those in the farming and ranching communities, will continue to fight this egregious initiative, regardless of the identifying number or the ballot year.


February Update – More insane rhetoric from IP13 

A family fishing trip and beloved youth programs would turn into Class C Felony charges under IP13 and, apparently, they are proud of that.  Check out their recent posts lashing out at a free fishing day for youth and 4-H programs.


January Update – Hunting in the crosshairs of IP13

While most of the recent posting and activity on the IP13 social media sites has focused on animal agriculture, they are not shying away from calling out hunting and fishing as animal abuse.  If you doubt IP13’s intention to criminalize hunting and fishing in Oregon, take a look at these posts from the IP13 proponent.  Clearly, ending hunting & fishing is their goal.










December Update – OHA is speaking out against IP13!

Read OHA’s Letter to the Editor published in the Oregonian in response to the IP13 proponents op-ed.

Amy Patrick, OHA policy director, spoke with Bill Gaines of The Outdoor View about IP13 and its effects, not just on fishing, hunting, and trapping, but on every Oregonian.

Watch for OHA’s podcast with Robbie Kroger on Blood Origins coming out in early 2022.

October Update:

Many people continue to contact us regarding IP13 and it’s ramifications for the hunting, fishing, and trapping communities within the state.  Make no mistake, this initiative is not about animal rights and preventing animal abuse; this is an attempt to force Oregonians to adopt a vegan lifestyle or rely on meat and dairy products shipped in from other states.  Gone would be the days of self-sufficiently raising or harvesting your own animals for your freezer.  But the sportsmen and women of this state are making their voices heard…and the IP13 proponents are hearing it!  In a recent interview, David Michelson, the IP13 filer, stated that the most pushback they have heard has been from the hunting community.  And we will continue to spread the word and carry the message that Oregonians have the right to live self-sufficient lifestyles, to hunt and fish, to raise our own animals, and to lessen our reliance on the national food network and it’s recent tenuousness.

Soon we will be reaching out to members with talking points and messaging to share with your family, neighbors, coworkers, anyone in your circle that should know about the far reaching effects of this terribly radical initiative. Stay tuned…


August Update:

We’ve had many requests from folks asking what they can do to help in the fight again IP13.  Until we have further campaign messaging and actions to take, here’s three simple ways to help keep the initiative off the ballot:

1) Make sure the people in your family, friends, and coworkers are aware of the ramifications and understand the reasons not to sign.

2) Talk about the importance of our self-reliant lifestyle. Being less reliant on the national food network and understanding where our food comes from is a conversation that resonates well with people even if they don’t hunt or fish.

3) Register to vote!  Click HERE.

4) Join OHA!  We are the voice of Oregon hunters; join the fight by clicking HERE.

5) Donate to OHA’s Hunter Victory fund for this and other legislative or legal battles by clicking HERE.

New flyer added below to share what can be done currently in the fight against IP13.


July Update:

The July 6 deadline for appeals to the certified ballot language has passed with no appeals being filed.  As such, the certified ballot language stands as is and the clock begins for the proponents to gather the 112,020 signatures needed by July 2022 to place the initiative on the November 2022 ballot.

This is the time when those of us committed to maintaining a self-reliant lifestyle by hunting, fishing, trapping, or raising our own livestock need to make sure the people around us understand the impacts of IP13.  The goal is to spread the message of the devastating effects this measure would have and prevent it from reaching the ballot.

We will continue to update this page with the latest information and tools for spreading the word….check back often.


June Update:

The Oregon Attorney General’s office has revised the ballot language based on comments submitted by Oregon Hunters Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Wild Sheep Foundation, Oregon Outdoor Council. Oregon Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Oregon Trappers Association, Sportsmen’s Alliance, National Wild Turkey Federation, and the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation.

While the measure itself is unchanged in its extremism, the revised ballot language more clearly explains the impacts this measure would have on all Oregonians.  The certified ballot language is linked HERE.  Any appeals to the certification of the ballot language must be filed by July 6, 2021; if there is no appeal the petitioners must then begin collecting the 112,020 signatures needed by June 2022.

The complete initiative language is linked here: IP13 Language (Reading key: italicized text is intended to be removed, bold text is to be added).

While we may think that it is impossible for such a far-fetched idea to make it to the 2022 ballot, let alone get passed, we must take this threat seriously.  This is just one in many recent attempts to curtail hunting, fishing, and trapping in the western states.  There is currently a similar, though less extreme, version being fought in Colorado.


One of the most important things our membership can do is register to vote and turn out for elections.  The controversial Measure 18 from 1994 was passed by a slim 3% margin and we are still feeling the effects of it today.  We cannot be apathetic to these attempts to curtail or outright ban hunting, fishing, and trapping in Oregon; we have to exercise our rights by voting on ballot measures.  To register to vote, click HERE.


Donate to OHA’s Hunters Victory Fund for this and other legal and legislative efforts, by clicking HERE.


Useful Links and Resources:

Certified Ballot: IP13 Ballot

Complete Initiative Language (italicized text to be removed, bold to be added): IP13 Language

OHA video explanation: IP13 – What does it mean to Oregonians?

OHA Press Release – 6/4/2021

Membership Update e-blast – 6/4/2021

Membership e-blast – 5/26/2021