In 2024
For the latest Chapter Newsletter
Digital Volunteer Reporting System
Quick – Easy – Painless
Last call for ALL Volunteers to submit your 2024 hours using this NEW tool. It’s vital that we have all your hours for a variety of reasons, not the least being financial and legal.
Loads of you either never reported or fell behind reporting in 2024, and we ask you to catch up
Use this to submit a separate entry for each event or activity you helped with in 2024 eg Banquet, Youth & Family, Habitat Project etc.. If you’re involvement spanned more than a calendar month for a particular activity, simply note the time period in sufficient detail in the Comments/Notes/Details section at the bottom of the form so we can distinguish what’s new vs what you may have previously reported.

Click On or Scan the QR Code
Email or call Bill Littlefield @ / 541-429-2950 with any concerns or questions.
Change of address, email or phone?
Takes <1 minute to complete
March 8, 2025
There are still some Tickets available to attend and the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ends tomorrow February 12 so we encourage you to act fast to avoid missing out.
Click here for the Raffle Descriptions
Here to Order Tickets
Call John Bambe @ 541-480-9848 with any questions or to place your order.
This is by far our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need everyone’s involvement to make it a success.
We can use help with donations from businesses you may own or frequent. We also welcome personal donations. Can be merchandise, guided trips/experiences, gift certificates etc which we auction or raffle, or cash. For details on the many ways you can help, including soliciting new donors, prepping/organizing donations as they arrive, or set up on the date of the banquet, contact Eric Brown @ 541-647-0424.
We can use a few more volunteers to help at the banquet. The last Planning meeting is scheduled for February 19 at Abby’s Pizza on 3rd Street. Many hands make light work, and just a few hours of your time is all we ask. Contact Greg Petsch @ 541-330-6218 for details.
Family Expo
Watch for Updates
This is an unprecedented opportunity for families and youth to learn about Oregon’s amazing range of outdoor possibilities all in one place and a matter of hours – FREE OF CHARGE! Attendees meet experts from a wide variety of outdoor focused organizations who showcase what they do and how to get started via hands-on, interactive, family friendly exhibits. Whether it’s fishing, hunting, back country hiking, rock hounding, scuba diving, trapping, clamming, mushroom hunting you name it, each of the exhibitors shares two things in common – their enduring commitment to pure healthy outdoor enjoyment and responsible stewardship of our state’s natural wonders.
This will always be a pressure free, educational, non-selling expo, other than memberships offered by the exhibiting organizations.
2nd Wednesday Every Month
Bend VFW Hall
1503 NE 4th Street – Bend
Wed February 12, 2025
@ 6:00pm
Meeting Room to open at 5pm
Meals & Refreshments Available
Kristan Fratella
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
February 2025
If you have any problems opening the newsletter or receiving our monthly email, contact Bob Buddenbohn @ 817-470-7018 right away.
March 29, June 7 and August 9
Each at COSSA
Located off Hwy 20 East of Bend
Required for all under 18 years old hunters
Good way to start for anyone new to Hunting
Lava Butte to Sunriver Junction Maintenance
6 Bend OHA members recently conducted a routine fence patrol & found a little more damage than usual; some requiring ODOT’s attention. Click here for the full report.
In case you were unaware, Bend OHA inspects this fencing twice a year.
We also strongly support the Gilchrist Crossing Project that’s underway – legislatively and financially!
New poll shows 86% of voters support building more road crossings for animals
Click Here & Here to see the Articles
Thanks for visiting the OHA Bend Chapter website.
- Calendar
- About Us
- Join or Renew
- Mule Deer Classic
- Projects
- Beckley Scholarship
- Member Code of Conduct
- Other Useful Links
Upcoming Events
The Bend Chapter is one of the OHA’s original chapters.
Oregon Hunters Association is a family oriented organization and the largest non-profit conservation group in the state. OHA volunteers contribute thousands of hours, dollars, and miles driven in personal vehicles to benefit public lands and resources each year.
Among the objectives of the Bend chapter are habitat conservation and enhancement, hunters rights and ethics, and hunter education. An annual banquet, the Mule Deer Classic generates most of our financial support. All funds from this banquet stay in Oregon and go towards the support of:
- The Charles L Beckley memorial scholarship
- An annual upland bird hunt for youth
- The TIP (Turn In Poachers) program which is sponsored state wide
- Numerous habitat preservation and improvement projects in Central Oregon and, in conjunction, with other OHA chapters, around the state
- Hunter education classes for all ages
Chapter President: Rex Parks (541) 480-0230
1st Vice President: Doug Stout (541) 312-8332
2nd Vice President: Charlie Cookson (541) 280-7525
Secretary: Wendy Borst (541) 480-0748
Treasurer: John Bambe (541) 480-9848
At Large (Media): Bob Buddenbohn (817) 470-7018
At Large (Youth Events): Kevin Borst (541) 480-7323
At Large (Outreach/Marketing): JR Lorimor (541)420-2741
Project Coordinator: Don Clark (702)460-3653
Banquet Chair: Bill Beckley (541) 410-0824
Past Presidents:
Bob Dixon (503) 572-2805
Bill Littlefield (541) 429-2950
OHA is one of the largest conservation groups in the state of Oregon but we are always looking for new members who are passionate about our hunting heritage. We need your support and value your input. Please join OHA and it will help us to carry out our mission. OHA is made up of over 20 chapters throughout the state. Two ways to join:
1) Click the application link that follows to download an application form, fill it out, and mail it to the OHA state office.
2) Link over to the OHA State website and select from one of the online purchase options.
You can specify a chapter that you would like to join or the OHA state office will assign you to the one that is closest to your mailing address.
MARCH 9, 2024
Click here for the Registration/Order Form & Instructions on how to Order
Click here for the Raffle Options
Doors Open @ 4:00
Dinner Served @ 5:30
Live Auction Starts @ 7:30
Come at 4:00 for the social hour, where you will enjoy games, enter raffles, preview the live auction, bid on silent auction items, and swap hunting stories with fellow hunters. Enjoy the buffet dinner, enter raffles for more than 30 firearms and other prizes, including hunting and camping gear, trips, artwork, golf, and more.below
OHA Bend Chapter Work
Each year several projects and activities are organized and carried out that support our mission. As we define them and set dates we’ll post information here. We encourage all members to come join us in the field. It is here we often make great friendships and get to give back to the resources that we are passionate about. Most of our projects take place during the summer months when the outdoor conditions and weather allow us to be most effective.
Charles Beckley Scholarship
The Bend Chapter of the Oregon Hunters Association has established a scholarship for higher education honoring the life-time member Charles Beckley, who passed away in 2004. Mr. Beckley was a dedicated OHA member, hunter, teacher, and was among the first hunter education instructors in Oregon. This scholarship furthers OHA’s goal of helping to educate future hunters and outdoor enthusiasts in Oregon.
Each year the Bend Chapter accepts applications for scholarships. Qualified applicants will be Bend Chapter OHA members and have a passion for hunting and the outdoors. Applications must be postmarked by the April 15th deadline each year. All applications are reviewed by the scholarship committee and grants are awarded to those individuals that the committee feels are most deserving based on our award criteria. Grants are paid directly to the school’s scholarship department and must be used for the year or term for which they were awarded. For more details about the scholarship application process or criteria, please click on the links below and download the information. Good luck!
2024 Beckley Scholarship Information & Application
For additional information about how to apply, you can contact an OHA representative by calling (541) 480-9848.