By Mike Totey, OHA Conservation Director
OHA will seed ground this fall on the Metolius Unit property where OHA now holds a conservation easement after the Grandview Fire reached the property in July.
In cooperation with the landowner, OHA will seed all of the fire trails with a mix of local native seed that will provide multiple benefits. It will provide soil stabilization for the exposed ground, provide valuable wildlife forage, and help prevent invasive species from taking over the site.
Firefighters stopped the spread of the fire on the property with minimal burn damage.
The landowners and OHA staff worked with members of the Oregon Department of Forestry Incident Management Team to assess the area and plan for restoring the burned area.
The property owners, David and Pamela Potter, recently received OHA’s Citizen Landowner of the Year Award. See the November-December issue of Oregon Hunter for a complete list of the deserving OHA state-level award winners.