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OHA pursues NE Oregon wildlife crossing structures


OHA has been working around the state to address critical areas that have a high density of wildlife/vehicle collisions. To date, work has been completed on the Highway 97 undercrossing near Gilchrist, and projects are being planned on the southern portion of Interstate 5, Highway 20 between Suttle Lake and Bend, and Highway 20 east of Juntura. In northeast Oregon, two highways need work to safely get deer and elk across. The first is Highway 82 in Wallowa County, where stretches experience high numbers of both white-tailed and mule deer struck by vehicles. The second is Interstate 84 between Pendleton and La Grande. While not as many elk and deer are killed on I-84, wildlife tracking has clearly shown this interstate to be a major barrier to migration movement. Addressing this barrier will be a key factor to connect habitat, protect seasonal movement corridors, and promote healthy elk and deer populations.

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