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OHA Doubles Down to Fight Poaching, Doubles TIP Rewards

The Oregon Hunters Association is doubling down on efforts to fight poaching in Oregon by doubling the rewards paid to informants in fish and game poaching cases through OHA’s Turn in Poachers (TIP) reward program.

Poaching of big game can have serious consequences for wildlife. OSP Fish and Wildlife troopers often rely on information or tips provided by witnesses to poaching crimes. Since 1986, the OSP and the Oregon Hunters Association have collaborated on the Turn In Poachers (TIP) program, which provides a cash reward to persons who report unlawful killing of wildlife, fish, upland birds and waterfowl and/or destruction of habitat.

One ODFW study of south central Oregon mule deer found that more were killed by poachers than were taken by licensed hunters.

OHA has continually and successfully pushed for tougher laws that increase penalties for poaching. OHA also provided the initiative for Oregon’s Stop Poaching Campaign and lobbied to secure funding for additional law-enforcement officers and a traveling poaching case prosecutor, as well as a poaching awareness campaign to involve the public in turning in poachers.

In a recent five-year span, the TIP program paid out more than $100,000 in cash rewards for the resolution of poaching cases. Since 2018, informants have been offered the option of accepting hunting preference points in lieu of cash, and approximately half the informants have been taking advantage of that opportunity in recent years.

Qualification for the reward depends upon the issuing of a citation by the OSP Wildlife Division for illegal taking of wildlife, fish, upland birds, waterfowl, and destruction of habitat. If the investigation by OSP finds insufficient evidence to issue a citation, no reward will be made.

If a citation is issued the standard amount of the reward may be as follows:

  • Bighorn sheep, mountain goat, moose – $2,000
  • Elk, deer, pronghorn – $1,000
  • Bear, cougar, wolf – $600
  • Illegally obtaining Oregon hunting or angling license or tags – $200
  • Salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, halibut – $200
  • Upland birds, waterfowl – $200
  • Furbearers – $200
  •  Illegal spotlighting – $200
  • Snagging/attempt to snag – $200
  • Habitat destruction – $300

OHA and its chapters sometimes offer higher rewards for information in particularly heinous cases.

The payment to the approved reward recipient will be sent to the OSP Wildlife Division headquarters in Salem where the OSP TIP Coordinator will disperse the check to the appropriate OSP Trooper to be presented to the recipient.

The TIP program also offers the option of preference point rewards instead of cash rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of big game mammals.

Preference Point Rewards:

* 5 points for reporting a case involving bighorn sheep, mountain goat, moose or wolf

* 4 points for reporting a case involving elk, deer, antelope, bear or cougar

When making a report, provide as much of the following information as possible:

  • Nature of violation or activity observed or advised about
  • Location of activity (Road number, Milepost, GPS, Range, etc.)
  • Date and time of violation/activity
  • Description of any vehicle involved
  • Name and/or description of violator

How to Report a Wildlife and/or Habitat Law Violation or Suspicious Activity:

TIP Hotline:  1-800-452-7888 or *OSP(677) (Available 24/7)

TIP E-Mail: (Monitored M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p,m.)

Please use the TIP Hotline for weekend and evening reporting