Women of OHA

A space for women in the hunting community

Welcome to Women of OHA! This program was created by women, for women in the hunting and outdoor community to have a place to discuss, learn, and mentor. Our goal is to provide women-centric skills building courses, conservation projects, and hunting opportunities.

Each month we send out a digital newsletter with articles, bios, resources, and upcoming events/deadlines. Sign up for the Women of OHA newsletter HERE. In addition to the digital newsletter, we host virtual meet & greets and will be developing regional in-person get togethers.

At least once a year, we will host a conservation project to volunteer our time to improve wildlife habitat.


The first annual Women of OHA Weekend Away is scheduled for October 25-27 in Central Oregon

OHA’s newest outreach program, Women of OHA, is planning a women’s “Weekend Away” for both conservation work and hunting. Scheduled for October 25-27, the weekend will be split between a day of planting bittterbrush seedlings and a day of chukar hunting. 

OHA is renting two large homes in the Black Butte Resort for the weekend and will be providing all the meals including dinner on Friday; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday; and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. 

Saturday will be a full day of conservation work with planting bitterbrush seedlings on the Crooked River National Grasslands as part of a larger planting effort by the Ochoco National Forest. USFS will provide the seedlings and OHA will provide the planting equipment.  

After the day of work, Sunday will be a chukar hunt on OHA’s conservation easement adjacent to the CRNG. OHA is purchasing 1000 birds for a put and take hunt and will also provide several working dogs to assist the hunters. 

All participants will be entered to win several prizes, including a Citadel M1911 .380 pistol donated by Legacy Sports International. 

The weekend is limited to thirty women and there is a registration fee of $75. OHA membership is required for participation so any participant who is not already a member will need to purchase a membership in addition to the registration fee.

Registration information will be sent out soon through the monthly newsletter – sign up to receive information HERE.


Find past Women of OHA newsletters on the Publications Page.


This program is supported by funding and donations from the Leupold & Steven Foundation and Legacy Sports International.