Hunter Safety

Oregon Hunter Safety Requirements

In Oregon, all hunters age 17 and younger must complete a certified Hunter Education course unless hunting on land owned by a parent or legal guardian — or participating in the Mentored Youth Hunter Program. Adults age 18+ are not required to take any sort of hunter education course in our state, but it’s a smart idea to take the course if you have no or little experience with basic hunter safety.

Lost your hunter safety card? If you were certified in another state, go to (seriously, it’s not a scam) and request to have a duplicate mailed to you. Many other states require adults to show proof of taking a hunter education class, and this card is the way to do it. If you were certified in Oregon, here’s some information on getting a duplicate card.

Hunter Safety Courses

Courses are available online from several vendors, and ODFW staff and volunteers team up around the state to teach various classroom and field day courses as well. You can learn more and register for a hunter ed class on .

Several online courses are available for free or a small charge. ODFW has approved four vendors.

Safety In the Field

Besides formal hunter safety training, it pays to be safe and smart in the field. Like any adventurous outdoor sport, hunting has its risks and challenges. Knowing basic outdoor survival and woodsmanship skills goes a long way.